Quadrax V is an awesome logical puzzle which is based in Mayan ancient ruins. It may be considered a sequel to the original Quadrax created by Cauldron back in 1996.
The goal of each level is to control the three humans and lead them to the exit. You can move them with the cursor arrows and switch between them at any time. Sometimes you will have to push, climb and drop stone blocks, cross floors and ceilings that are not stable, activate levers to move walls, etc.; but you have to be very careful because sometimes there is no way of going back, and you may have to restart the whole level. Some other objects you will find are elevators, cranes, passages, and stonemovers. After solving each level you will get a password for accessing the next level without having to play the previous ones. Despite the author's recommendation to play the previous versions before playing Quadrax V (because the latter may seem too difficult), you get involved just as you begin playing.
System requirements: Processor 800 MHz, 256 MB RAM, 130MB HDD, 8MB video card, sound card compatible with Direct Sound, and Direct x 8.0.